All 'bout me

SHPS Primary 4/7=)




[+History Maker+]

February 2007 March 2007 May 2007 June 2007 July 2007 September 2007


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Thursday, March 29, 2007

just another poem for your students! i am sure you miss the wondeful poems i have been reading! I also miss reading your creations! so may i have more please?

i cannot find my basketball
i cannot find my locker.
i cannot find my homework,
which is really quite a shocker.

i cannot find my lunchbox.
worse, i cannot find my classes.
i'm going to have a rotten day

by Bruce Lansky

4:19 AM

Sunday, March 25, 2007

The old man plants some seeds.
They are turnip seeds.
He waters the seeds.
It grow bit by bit.

The turnip grew big.
The old men wanted to eat.
He pull up the turnip
but hecould not do it.

The old man call for help
Many people came to help
They pull up the turnip
The old man thank them for their help.

By: Cheng Yixin

7:25 AM

I like playing my psp and SOCOM is my favourite game.
I pretend to be a Navy Seal and Sand man is my name.
Its all about strategies and planning for my mission.
I deploy my team of soldiers and put them into action.
I fight against the terrorists on my little screen,
I fly in helicopters to places I've never been
I assault the baddies' barracks and mess up their plan,
Their weapons get blown up by yours truly, the Sandman.
The time seem to pass within minutes of my play.
pretending to be an elite soldier for just another day.
Then its back to reality, its Russell Oon once more,
It's fun to be in the virtual world, the game which I adore.

7:19 AM

My dog is fluffy and white .
Cute and small is she.
Get hold of anything , she will bite.
Hear the thunder, she is quite,
Myfavourite dog, she will always be.

By:Ivan Pang

7:16 AM

Little Betty blue sat on a tree
Little red ant climb on his knee

Little betty blue screamed lik hell
Little red ant fainted on his knee

Little Betty blue fall off the tree
Little red ant fall into the sea

It will never end, till they are clamed down!

By:Ryan Tung

7:13 AM

On my seventh birthday, my mother bought me a televison game.
We had lots of fun with it.
My mother thought it will entertain us,
but we learned to fight and hit.

We played with it, and had lots of fun.
Sometimes we fight, and fight.
At eight, we keep the game and study.
and quarrel over it with lots of might!

At last, to settle the problem,
my mother bought another game.
One in the living room and one in the bedroom,
and brought us a lot of fame!

7:08 AM

Sang Nila Utama was a prince in days of old.
The son of Raja Chulan
he was fearless, brave amd bold.
He alway wanted to build his own city
far out in the sea.
His wish really came true
from out of the blue.
As far on the horizon
a shape came in view.
He was young but clever
and with a glance he knew.
He told his own crew
that they founf the island Singapore
in the ocean blue.
Now he isstill famous
and also marvellous

Done by: Devonshire

7:04 AM

One night a yellow balloon
drifted to the ground
"Oh no the moon is falling down."

"What shall we do"
mister froggie replied.
"Miss dragonfly,we'll let you handle
that since you can fly."

"That's out of the question!
It is too high up to fly!
So I won't be able the send the Moon back to the Sky."

"Since I have such
powerful thigh
I will kick the moon back
to sky."

"Watch me", said Froggy
as he gave a powerful kick.

there was a loud 'pop'
And the balloon simply disappeared.
An instant later,
In the sky the moon reappered.

"Look! a piece of
The moon is gone
And the round moon is gone"

"Oh no, I must have
Kicked so hard that I dented it,
I'm so sorry."

"please accept
My apology."
"Haha" the owl in the tree,
think they are so silly.

By:Janice Lam

6:52 AM

Today's my favourite holiday,
a day to sing and dance and play,
a day to laugh and jump and sun,
a day for having loads of fun.

Todays's the day I celebrate.
I'm overjoyed. I'm feeling great!
I'll throw a party, have a ball,
invite a friend, invite them all.

We'll play a game.
We'll play a sport.
We'll frolic, rollick, romp, cavort.
We'll celebrate all over town.
We'll party till the sun goes down.

Another favourite holiday
just happend only yesterday.
And yes, tommorow, strange but true,
will surely be my favourite too.

You want to know how there could be
so many holidays for me?
It's simple see, to qualify a day just to end in "Y."

By Ernest Teo

6:45 AM

Bozo the boy is very smart,
his favourite food was peach tart
his favourite hobby was art
and he is now drowning a dart.

He like to teese his friends,
until they drop their pants
Bozo also likes to play with pots and pans.
It is so noisy " Pang!Pang!Pang!"

His exam always get full marks,
but his fare got a lot of line marks.

He will continue to live like a smart boy,
and be a good boy!

By:Lim Zheng Fei

6:40 AM

I saw a flock of birds land from sky.
They were black with nothing on thier feathers.
They were big with size
and it was a very big flock of black big feathers.
Bye oh bye big flock of birds
We will have fun
It will be some other time
And maybe I will feed you some bun.

By: Darius Yan

6:36 AM

Bob was a cop,
A cop that had a cough,
It was rather bad but he did not mind at all.
When Bob saw a mop,
he took it and started mopping the florr,
when people saw him mopping the floor,
they started laughing and said he was a mopcop.
But he did not care at all.
Then he took out the gun and started shooting here and there.
people walking started saying,
"Ah! Run for your lives!"
And that was when he knew what was happening all along.

By: Soon Li Ting

6:31 AM

I have a pet cat,
its name is Fat.
It loves to sleep
on his wooly mat.

Fat's favourite food
is fish, please serve
it on his favourite dish.

Fat likes to play,
in the sun all day.
I love Fat very much,
he will always stay in my heart.

By: Joel Tan

6:28 AM

I went to the hazel wood,
Because a fire was in my head,
And cut and peeled a hazel wand,
And hooked a berry to a thread;
When white moths were on the wing,
Moth-like stars were flickering out,
I dropped the berry in the stream
And caught a little silver trout.

When I had laid it on the floor
I went to blow the fire aflame,
But something rustled on the floor,
And someone called me by name:
It had become a glimmering girl
With apple blossom in her hair
Who called me by my name and ran
And faded through the brightening air.

Though I am old with wandering
Through hollow lands and hilly lands,
I will find out where she has gone,
And touch her lips and take her hands;
And walk among long dappled grass,
And pluck till time and times are done
The silver apples of the moon,
The golden apples of the sun.

6:21 AM

Alexander Tan
looks like a rambutan!
Always goes to Isetan;
come's back with a machine-gun,
shoots his girlfriends one by one,
dares to fight with JakieChan,
goes to jail with an orangutan,
comes home eating his 101th bun!

I'm a happy bubbly boy
who simply loves to play with toys,
You make a guess,
to see what I like best...
Swimming, reading or playing chess?

By: Matthew Ting

6:14 AM

Saturday, March 24, 2007

The pictures... enjoy! :)

4:15 AM

Monday, March 19, 2007

I used to have fishI put them all in a dishWe fed them wormsInstead, they ate germs!The fish grew sicker as the day went byMy younger brothers did nothing but sigh.The fish died fastWe thought it had caught SARSOh no! We are muderersTo wash our sins , seek Jesus!


11:49 PM

I taught my cat to clean my room,
to use a bucket, brush and broom,
to dust my books and picture frames,
and pick up all my toys and video games.

He puts my pants and shirts away,
and makes my bed, and I should say
it seems to me it's only fair
he puts away my underwear.

In fact, I think he's got it made.
I'm not too happy with our trade.
He may pick up my shoes and socks,
but I clean out his litterbox.

7:56 AM

_A Fish In A Spaceship.

A fish in a spaceship is flying around school.
A dinosaur is dancing on top of a desk.
The library is loaded with brown baboons,
in purple tuxedos with bows and balloons.

The pigs in the playground are having a race,
while pencils parade in their linens and lace.
As elephants do cartwheels and camels fly,
bananas are baking shepherd's pie.

A thousand gorillas are painting the walls,
while robots on rockets careen through the halls.
Oranges are teaching in all of the classes.
Or maybe, i need some new glasses.

Done by: Gerald Choo(:

6:44 AM

Once there was a bear. He always liked to swear.

And one day when he swore, he met a BIG FAT boar.

The boar said to him," Since you like to swear, I'll let you eat a thousand pears."

When the bear heard that, he said "Okay, so that's that."

And the next day when he awoke, he heard a sudden cry.

He ran to check it out, and got a BIG surprise!

A thousand pears fell from the sky. A thousand pears fell all over the place.

A thousand pears from the sky, hit that swearing bear right on his eyes.

Upon bearing that pain, the bear looked down in shame.

And that big swearing bear, NEVER swore again.


5:20 AM

I came with an exciting heart to meet Shane
and I don 't give my homework a damp
I pack my bag with goodies and games
ready to spend my week without a cane

We engross ourselves in front of the computer
we ignore auntie screaming in anger
Shane and I had so much fun in the room
that we didn't even realise that the time just zoom


4:44 AM

I don't like doing homework,
I know that it will bore me.
But now I am much ahppier
'Cause Freddie does it for me!

He greets me at the door each day
When I come home from school.
He just can't wait to read my books -
I think that's pretty cool!

I give him all my homework,
Like history and math.
And when he's done
I give him
A nice warm bubble bath

My grades are so much better now
Which makes my parents glad.
Freddie is the smartest dog
That I ever had.

3:23 AM

It's my birthday!
I woke up as usual.
I dress myself and ate my breakfast.
At school,everything was as per normal.
The entire morning was as per normal.

At afternoon time,Iate my lunch and was disappointed because everyone forgotten all about my birthday.
After lunchtime,I reached home.
When I opened the door guess what I hear,
"Happy Birthday!" the whole family shouted.

When nighttime arrive I took out my diary.

I jotted down everything with with a big smile on my face.

It was indeed an unforgetable day.

1:56 AM

My CCA is sailing,
it is so fun!!
But whenever I sail,
I will never tie a bun!!

I can feel the wind,
and I am sure I can win!!
I have a lot of friends there,
but I am also a friend to the sea here(Singapore)!!

**Renny Teo**

12:56 AM

Sunday, March 18, 2007

This foot, that foot.
Tiptoe like a cat foot.
Scurry like a rat foot.
Barefoot on the floors.

Splish foot, splash foot.
Hop and jump and dash foot.
Careful not to crash foot.
Playing out of doors.

- Benjamin Wong

7:45 PM

The hypermarket has many goods

while the food there is so good.

There are lots of vegetables

but their quantities are uncountable.

As my mother loves to bake

so she's choosing the ingredients for the cake.

The hypermarket is tremendous

and best of all their food fresh and DELICIOUS !!!!!!!


8:06 AM

I had a pet fish,
Sherlene was her name.
The food I gave her,
she will always eat and was very tame.
Too bad for me,
Sherlene died,
All I had to do,
was to eat fish that are fried.

6:57 AM

Sam the teddy bear is dark and brown.
He always like to swim.
He is very mischevious and always like to play.
Sam got a freind called Tom,which who Sam like him very much.
But Sam hate Tom when he learn.
When Sam wish to play with Tom,
Tom will always leave him here.
And when Sam drag Tom to a corner,
He will run back to his mum.
As tom could not play with Sam,
he decided to take his advice,
for as learning is the key to suscess!


12:05 AM

Friday, March 16, 2007

Billy the wriggly worm,
Hates to see Sammy learn.

He wishes to play with her,
But she always leave Billy here.

Each time Billy pull her to a corner,
She will run back to her mother.

Since Billy cannot get Sammy to play,
He decided that learning is the way.

11:01 PM

On a Tuesday afternoon,
Sam the dinosaur sat down.
He was wanting to eat eggs,
But the waiter gave him vegetable and some rice,he immediately frown.

Can I have eggs? then said to the waiter,
Can I have an egg?
The waiter said
there is no eggs sir!

The dinosaur was furious
then he requested for the
He was so furious and said the
standand was lousy!

He then went out
and found out that
it was a veretarian stall.
No Wonder

9:35 PM

My father is a lecturer
Of couse I have a mother
She is a housewife
I love her so much, as if she's my life

I have two younger brothers
They like to create troubles
Both of them are very clever
And I will love them forever

8:22 PM

Thursday, March 15, 2007

The flopperty bird
It had lovely long tail-feather,
it was very playful too,
and she was a good mother.

the flopperty bird had a magic tail-feathers,
whenever you pull out a feather you can make a wish.
Tje wish you make will sure come true,
if you wish for a healthy food, it can be a fish.

One day,a giant pull out a feather,
he wish for a rapberry card.
suddenly,something pop out,
but it was rapberry tart.

The giant eye pop out,
when he take up the dish,
he globbled it up,
and he finished it.

when he reached home,
he told his wife about the magic tail-feather,
his wife was so greddy that she wanted the magic tail-feather,
that night, she brought a scissors and cut all the tail-feathers

When the giant's wife reached home, she counted she had eight tail-feather.
She was so happy that wherever she go she will hold it.
One night, she wished for eight sack of gold,
suddenly, something pop out, it was eight large sack of gold.

Meanwhile ,the flopperty bird hadwoke up,
the flopperty bird was shocked that his feather was missing.
the flopperty bird then burst into tears and went to the giant about it,
the giant felt that his wife disappearing this few day. so he decided to follow his wife. That night the giant followed her to the celler staring at the sack of gold. the giant guessed that it was his who was stealing it

The giant quickly tell the flopperty bird about it,
the floppertybird asked the giant to bring here there.
To the flopperty bird surprised,
she said that sack of gold was hers, the floperty bird cried out,"You have'nt!"she laughd.
the giant's wife said "See!"
She shook a sack opened.
Out pouered a stream of yellow grain!
The magic had gone.

The flopperty bird said, " Aha!" Where the gold?
It was eight sack of nice corn,
" I am going to stayed here and feed on it,
for then my tail-feather will grow again!"

By:Daphne Goh (4/7)
Date: 16/3/2007

8:01 PM

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Jimmy was a happy ape
Until some hunters caught him
He liked the jungle better than
The city where they brought him
The city was louder
The city was meaner
Even dirt in the jungle was cleaner
So Jimmy made a daring escape!
The hunters were suddenly missing one ape!
He climbed the tallest building
Because from there he could see
How far away the jungle was
From the middle of the city,
Jimmy jumped into a passing plane
But the pilot did not wait for him to explain
Jimmy flew back to the jungle
And told his ape friends in their lair
"The city's okay for a visit
But you could not make me live there."

6:05 AM

Jimmy was a happy ape
Until some hunters caught him
He liked the jungle better than
The city where they brought him
The city was louder
The city was meaner
Even dirt in the jungle was cleaner
So Jimmy made a daring escape!
The hunters were suddenly missing one ape!
He climbed the tallest building
Because from there he could see
How far away the jungle was
From the middle of the city,
Jimmy jumped into a passing plane
But the pilot did not wait for him to explain
Jimmy flew back to the jungle
And told his ape friends in their lair
"The city's okay for a visit
But you could not make me live there."

6:05 AM

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

If the sea was in the sky,
And trees grew underground,
And if all fish have giant teeth,
And all the cows were round;
If birds flew backwards all the time,
And vultures ruled the land,
If bricks poured down instead of rain,
If all there was was sand;
If every man had seven heads
And we spoke Double Dutch,
And if the sun came out at night,
I wouldn't like it much.


8:50 PM

Shi Jin is my name,
and I love to read about science.
Science is so fun to read,
That you can read the whole day with your eyes!

I had also like drawing,
As that makes me like an artist.
But my ambition is to be someone,
That invent things,and that is a scientist!

Scientists are so clever,
and they are always smart.
Although I like dawing,
But I do not want to be an artist.

I wished my wish will come true,
So I can be famous.
Soon when I became an adult,
I will be a scientist that was smart,clever and famous!

6:09 PM

hi i am taninette wong,
my mum always call me tani,
i am a prefect ,
so i am pretty friendly.

my brother name is wee-lee,
his hobby is playing computer games,
when we are playing achery,
he alway miss the aim.

my parents are pretty busy in the morning,
very free in the night,
until they have enough time to scold me,(for no reason)
and then sleep in the midnight.

4:30 AM

Monday, March 12, 2007

I Do Not like Being Sick
I do not like being sick
The medicine is gross
And the doctor’s office is frosty
I do not like being sick
My head hurts
And my whole body aches and aches
I do not like being sick
Because it makes me feel grouchy
And makes my head spin like a TOP!
So if you do not like being sick
By Elize Lim P4/7

5:40 AM

Hi all!

Glad that some of you started to post your poems. If you have not, or have difficulty, follow the steps below!

1) You would have received a notification email stating that you are invited to blog.
2) Click on the link
3) Create a gmail account.

Username: your own email address
Password: Choose a password you can remember
If they prompt you to verify a word, just do it!
Click continue!

4) You would have created a google account.
5) Now you can start posting! Go to and sign in! Click on "New Blogger", type in your email address and the password you have chosen above.

6) Post!

Future posts, you just need to go to and you can post other things!

2:17 AM

Sunday, March 11, 2007

The nine planets of the galaxy,
how beautiful they are.
Reddish Mars shines like a red ball.
Large Saturn is filled with rings.
Beautiful Pluto,so small and so blue.
Ravishing Venus,so hot and so gaseous.
Mystical Uranus,so round and cute.
Tiny Mercury, so tiny and minute.
Kingly Jupiter, Roman king of the gods
Bluish Neptune,commander of the sea.
Last but not least, our great mother Earth,
where we humans call home!

Posted by: Ang Wei En at 9:34PM
Sunday , March 11 2007

5:56 AM

Saturday, March 10, 2007

Tammy has a brother named Timmy.
Cute he is, but naughty too.
And is always jumping around,sweats and stinks.
When his mother calls him to bathe,he covers his ears and pretends not to hear.
One day,his sister Tammy,brought a kitten back home.
When Timmy wanted to play with it but the kitten ran away as he was too stinky.
Timmy felt embarrassed and decided to bathe.

10:14 PM

Friday, March 9, 2007

As Sir David steered his horse towards the cave,
thh horse knew it led to darkness and gloom.
As the horse tried to move away,
it was given a whip and words of doom.

The sky rumbled, the clouds moved,
the end for the horse was near that he knew.
At the clearing where the princess stood,
I knew I was about to be stew.

The dis-believe in violence,
stands between the horse's life and death
The horse had to fight its ignoring sprit,
to save what was left.

11:17 PM

Thursday, March 8, 2007

This is Mrs Lee testing...

9:10 PM

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