All 'bout me

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[+History Maker+]

February 2007 March 2007 May 2007 June 2007 July 2007 September 2007


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Friday, June 29, 2007

There were three guys lost in a forest and one of them said, "I'm going to get some food." A while later, he came back with a deer. The others said, "How did you get that?" The guy replied, "I followed the tracks and shot the deer." The next night, the second guy said, "Now I'll get the food." A short while later, he came back with another deer.

The following night, the third guy said, "It's my turn now, I'll get the food, " and off he went. When he came back, he was all beaten up, bruised and injured. The two guys said in disbelieve and horror,"WHAT HAPPENED?" I followed the tracks and got hit by a TRAIN.


4:15 PM

Thursday, June 28, 2007

There is an ancient belief that a tailsman could keep mosquitos away.A man purchased a charm for this for this purpose and brought it home .However ,when he stuck it onto a wall ,even more mosquitoes attacked him ,so he wnet to complained to the charm seller .The reasoned,"I must see the reason what is wrong with your house." So they went to the house straight away ,the charm seller blurted out ,"No wonder the mosquitoes keep coming!You have to get a mosquito net .And the charm,to be effective ,must be suspended inside the mosquito net .

3:56 AM

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

From Devonshire

Hi to all

7:47 PM

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Once up on a time, there were three brothers named Shut up, Manners and Trouble.One day Manners got lost, so the remaining 2 went to the police station make a police report.Shut up asked trouble to stay outside."What is your name?"the police officer asked."Shut up"he replied."Please do not scold me shut up!" the police officer said."My trouble is outside."Shut up said.They were both thrown into jail and never found Manners again.

11:25 PM

Saturday, June 23, 2007

(Excuse me, I'm not trying to be rude, besides it is just a story.)

Shut-up and Manners were brothers, very mischivous brothers. Their neighbour, Mr. Lim, owned an apple tree. Everyday,the brothers would steal a few apples from the tree. One day, they woke up early, planning to steal some apples. Mr. Lim was still asleep at that time, so the boys climbed over the gate, into his garden. Manners climbed up the tree to pass the apples down to his accomplice. When Manners climbed up the tree and sat down on a branch, he accidentally sat on a thorn, causing him to yell in pain. When Mr. Lim heard the noise, he quickly got out of bed and ran downstairs, opened his back door and dashed into the garden. When he saw the intruders, he questioned them. "What's your name?" he pointed at Shut-up. Shut-up naturally replied, "Shut-up." "What's your name again?" asked Mr. Lim. "Shut-up I said, didn't you hear me?" answered Shut-up, sounding annoyed "Where are your manners?" asked Mr. Lim, who was furious by then. "Up in the tree." answered Shut-up nonchalantly.



7:10 AM

John was a very, very fat boy. John could not enjoy his birthday because his parents told him not to eat too much. Seeing how unhappy John was, his parents took him out to buy some toys at his favourite toy shop "Toys'R'Us". When they reached there,he looked around to find his favourite toy, "Lego Bionicle". The newest edition was the"Piraka". He tried to find the toy but he could not. He decided to ask the salesman and the salesman said that there was only one left and it was the green coloured one. The salesman, John and his parents kept on searching and finally, he saw the storeroom and decided to go inside. He went inside and saw a water pistol, a toy cowboy gun and a toy bazooka. He opened them and loaded the ammunition inside. He found a toy robot, took it, put it into position and activated it. He kept on shooting it and missing it until he became impatient. He took the bazooka and launched it but the robot moved aside. Coincidentally, the salesman came in and the rocket hit the salesman's head, causing him to fall down. They both went out of the storeroom. The salesman asked John whether he still wanted to find his "Bionicle" toy. John looked around and found a balloon. He picked it up and tested it and decided to buy it. John and his parents stopped at his favourite burger restaurant thereafter. They went inside and looked around. John then remembered that he was not allowed to eat fatty food. He went to the cashier and asked for a packet of tomato sauce and a packet of chilli sauce instead. John and his parents went back home and to eat his birthday cake. What a waste time! All that time spent for a balloon, a packet of ketchup and chilli sauce!

5:33 AM

Friday, June 22, 2007

Once there was a Kingdom named Long-winded. It was named Long-winded as everyone there was long-winded. One day, the king had died in a car accident. The queen was very sad. She told herself, “Oh! My precious handsome, young, cool, awesome, good, strong, muscular, dedicated, talented and nice husband, why, why, why must you die at such a young age.”

All the people in Long-winded went to the king’s death ceremony. Everyone prayed a long-winded prayer to him. The next day, the queen had decided to appoint a new king. The king must be long-winded, handsome, young, cool, awesome, good, muscular, strong, dedicated, talented and nice.

The queen made an announcement to tell every man in Long-winded has a chance to be a king. The auditions will be held tomorrow at 2pm in the afternoon. The next day, many men were at the auditions before 2pm. At 2pm all the men had arrived. The queen said, “Now before the auditions begin, you need to introduce yourself and after explaining for half an hour, the auditions finally began.

First up was Mike the famous cobbler in the kingdom. After introducing himself for one hour, the queen had decided that Mike was surely the one as he was everything the queen had said. So she said, “Now I have chosen a new king so now James, Tom, and John.” And after saying the 266 men’s name, it was 4pm. From that day on, Mike was the new king.

Written by,
Soon Li Ting

9:54 PM

Thursday, June 21, 2007

one night,during our chocolate hand bouquet class,
my cousin tapped my shoulder and said,"i have something funny to tell you!!"
i answered,"tell me quickly!"
she continued,"take your bouquet,go outside,kneel down in front of your mother and ask her
'will you marry me'"
i burst out into laughter when i heard her say that.
"you don't mean it,do you?"i asked.
she replied,"i mean it,now go do it!"
"no way!i'm not crazy!!"
"awwwww...too bad.i thought it would be funny."

By Shen Ying

11:35 AM

One day, my little brother asked me a funny question. He asked me what a birthplace is. I said that it is a place that a person is give birth. Then he asked me where his birthplace is. I didn’t answer. He thought for a while and told me that his birthplace is in his mum’s belly.

By Daphne

5:00 AM

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Twice one are two,
Violets white and blue.

Twice two are four,
Sunflowers at the door.

Twice three are six,
Sweet peas on their sticks.

Twice four are eight,
Poppies at the gate.

Twice five are ten,
Pansies bloom again.

Twice six are twelve,
Pinks for those who delve.

Twice seven are fourteen,
Flowers of the runner bean.

Twice eight are sixteen,
Clinging ivy ever green.

Twice nine are eighteen,
Purple thistles to be seen.

Twice ten are twenty,
Hollyhocks in plenty.

Twice eleven are twenty-two,
Daisies wet with morning dew.

Twice twelve are twenty-four,
Roses...who could ask for more.

Done by: Isaac

10:06 PM

9:30 PM

Friday, June 15, 2007

One day,three brothers went to the market to buy some fish.
On the way there,they saw something on the ground.
The first brother bent down and looked at it. "It looks like 'shit'."
The second brother bent down and smelled it. "It smells like 'shit'."
The third brother bent down and tasted it. "It tastes like 'shit'."
The three brothers looked at each other and said, "Luckily, we did not step on it."

Done by:
Yuvonne Lam

8:00 AM

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

One evening,Billy was going home in a bus after his basketball training in school. Billy was so tired that he fell asleep. When he woke up, he saw that everyone was gone. There was no driver, but the bus was still moving! Billy was worried and at the same time scared. He ran to the front of the bus but the door was locked. He then ran to the back of the bus and looked out. He saw three men pushing the bus... ...The bus has brocken down.

7:33 AM

is fish & chips with mushroom sauce nice ?
no ! but it looks cool !

is mash potato plus chilli nice?
no,definately ! the colour already makes me want to puke!

is coke with fries nice????
i think so u know because the cok replaces the oil.
to some people it makes them want to puke!

is mushy gushy stuff from your parents good for u ???????
no too adult things for kids that now renny learn from a book and now she is in a mushy gushy spell !

done by:taninette wong

12:05 AM

Sunday, June 10, 2007

The earth, they say,
spins round and round.
It doesn't look it
from the ground,
and never makes
a spinning sound.

And water never
swirls and swishes
from oceans full
of dizzy fishes,
and shelves don't lose
their pans and dishes.

And houses don't go whirling by,
or puppies swirl around the sky,
or robins spins instead of fly.

It may be true
what people say
about one spinning
night and day . . . .
but I keep wondering, anyway.

Natasha Lim

11:09 PM

Friday, June 8, 2007

Author:Peter Barsocchini
This story is about a high school in Albuquerque,New Mexico.the main charactors are Troy and Gabriella.Troy's big dream wasto win the basketball championship.Ever since Troy and Gabriella sang during the karaoke together on New Year's Eve,Troy can't get his mind off trying out for the lead role in the school musical with Gabrie lla as his partner!Gabriella has always wanted to sing together with Troy again but the Scholastic Club and the basketball team say it's a bad idea and they should "stick to the status quo".
I recommed this book to my family and friends as this book is very fun to read.

8:02 PM

Sunday, June 3, 2007

Now this crazy story is about a special parrot who can imitate 100% what people say.One day, a man bought that parrot.Three days later, the parrot was sitting on a tree. Some naughty children saw the parrot and they shouted "Shoot it down! Shoot it down!" Luckily the parrot flew away before they shoot it down.While the parrot was flying, in its mind it was trying to memorise the word "Shoot it down! Shoot it down!"Next the parrot flew to a popcorn machine.A boy was waiting for the popcorn to be serve to him.While he was waiting, he shouted "Pop it up!Pop it up!" So the parrot memorise the word "Pop it up!Pop it up!"Next the parrot flew to a Funfair Carnival .The parrot heard someone said"Shoot a big one get a big prize!'So the parrot memorise the word"Shoot a big one get a big prize!"(part2)Warning letter:This part here can be frustrating to some christians.But do not take it to heart.Iam a christian too.And this is just a joke!Now the parrot flew to the church(this is because its master went to church). The priest said"Heaven is on top!"Just before the preist can continue,the parrot interruppted"Shoot it down!Shoot it down!"Now the preist was very angry but he just kept his temper down and continued"Hell is below!"Again before the preist can continued,the parrot intterrupted"Pop it up!Pop it up!"Now the preist was very amgry that he threw the bible to the parrot.But the parrot duck and the bible hit a fat lady behind the parrot.The fat lady was than very angry that she run and takle the preist down onto the floor.Than the parrot said"Shoot a big one get a big prize!"

By: corneliusyap

10:21 PM

Where are my glasses.
I can't find them.
Are they here or are they there,
Or under the chair?
Could my sister take it
Or my baby cousin break it?
Oh! silly me!Oh !silly me!
I looked in the cupboard, laundry, and the shelf,
But where can it be?
Where or where oh where?
Did I leave it at the sink,
While having a drink?
Oh! Silly me!
But there is one place
I haven't checked.
Could it be in the toilet?
Oh !When I looked in the mirror,
I saw myself
I was wearing my glases all along!
Oh!Silly me!Oh!Silly Me
Created by: Min Li

6:00 AM

Saturday, June 2, 2007

I enjoyed my trip to Japan. iwent to Osaka's castle. that 's where the king and queen usually live. I also went to an aquarium. I saw lots of sea creratures.I also went to a farm. I rode on a pony. My favourite part was the trip at the Universal studio. The Holloywood dreamride was the scariest.Guess what!!!!!!!!!!!!! I got fiftheen in class.

5:02 AM

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